When a permeable rock layer is sandwiched between two impermeable rock layers the water stays in the permeable layer (stratum) unless one of several conditions occurs One of those conditions is, of course, a well drilled into the water-containing rock. Another is the cross-cutting of the permeable layer by the eroded side of a hill where a landslide, water, ice, or humans have exposed the permeable layer. The layer sits, therefore, with an exposed end through which the water migrates and flows onto the surface of the hillside. The water “springs” forth.
Some humans are like porous rocks. They have feelings, but they keep them the way shale holds water, petroleum, and gas. It requires some fracturing of the rock to allow the feelings to escape onto the surface. Fracturing, whether natural or artificial, is a relatively violent process bordering on catastrophic in some instances. The containing rock must be broken by injected, pressurized fluids.
Other humans are like permeable rocks. There’s a mix of feelings flowing freely and coming to the surface wherever there is an opening, either artificial or natural. Fracturing is unnecessary. Slow exposure of a permeable rock layer or direct drilling into the permeable layer will suffice to bring the resource to the surface.
Are you porous but not permeable? Do your emotions emerge only after fracking? Or, are you permeable? Just asking before I set up the drilling rig.